W h a t i s P u r n a Y o g a
Yoga was originally developed in India and can be traced back 5,000 years. Millions of people use yoga for fitness,
pain management, stress relief, wellness, vitality, mental clarity, peace of mind and personal growth.
“Purna” means “complete” and Purna Yoga ® distills and integrates the vast aspects of yoga into an invaluable set of tools for wellness and healing for modern times.

B e n e f i t s t o E m p l o y e r s
If employees suffer from aches and pains or even lack of focus, it reduces work productivity. Yoga can reduce absenteeism and improve work performance by successfully reducing pain, improving focus, relieving low back issues, neck, upper back or other issues, enhance mood and energize employees. When employees feel better they work better.
Offering a 12-week yoga program to adults with chronic or recurrent low back pain led to greater improvements in back function than did usual care. -Annals for Internal Medicine, Yoga for Chronic Low Back Pain
A single yoga class significantly improved a person's speed and accuracy when tested on their working memory and concentration as compared to jogging 20 minutes.
- Journal of Physical Activity & Health, Acute Effects of Yoga on Executive Function
Yoga reduces stress and lowers back pain. 8 weeks of yoga lowered perceived stress, back pain, sadness and hostility. It also increased feelings of self- assuredness, attentiveness and serenity.
Oxford Journals, Yoga For Reducing Stress and Back Pain

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