Unwind Your Spine with Twists
Warm up with the bent knee twist from the Morning Series, Parshva Pavangmuktasana and then Surya Namaskar. Move through Trikonasana and Parshvakonasana before going into Parivrtta Trikonasana. You'll repeat the postures, going deeper and deeper. Release your spine in Adho Mukha Shvanasana before going into Marichyasana prep, Marichyasana I (full pose) and finally Marichyasana III prep. You'll repeat the postures getting more and more opening in the poses. Release your spine again in Adho Mukha Shvanasana before moving into the bent knee twist from the Morning Series, feeling the difference between the beginning of class and the end of class. End class with parts of the hip series and Shavasana. You'll feel longer and taller through your torso and more open in your body and mind.
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