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Working Toward Urdhva Dhanurasana | Week 1

Warm up your spine, shoulders and hips with Surya Namaskar. Standing poses like Trikonasana open your hips with a focus on moving your back leg to open your back leg hip flexors. Virabhadrasana I also focuses on lifting your belly and opening your back leg hip flexors. Shirshasana prep will strengthen your shoulders and help decompress your spine. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana gets you into a supported backbend and again opens your hip flexors. Then increase the mobility and openness in upper back and shoulders with active backbends over a blocks.

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Unwind Spinal Pain with Twists | Full Body Practice

Enjoy this Alive & Shine Class with our Purna Yoga certified teachers on unwinding spinal pain with twists. Our classes are curated to give you a well-rounded experience of twists to reduce spinal pain. You will be a guided to ensure you have ample time to cultivate body awareness and safety. With emphasis on alignment, you will foster a deeper understanding of your body and your practice. Feel rejuvenated and refreshed after every class carrying the benefits of your practice beyond the mat into all aspects of your life. Time to feel alive, and shine!

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Yoga For Lower Back Pain

Enjoy this Alive & Shine class with Aadil Palkhivala on releasing tension in your lower back. Our classes are curated to give you a well-rounded experience of relieving low back pain. You will be a guided to ensure you have ample time to cultivate body awareness and safety. With emphasis on alignment, you will foster a deeper understanding of your body and your practice. Feel rejuvenated and refreshed after every class carrying the benefits of your practice beyond the mat into all aspects of your life. Time to feel alive, and shine!

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Building Awareness Active Practice

Enjoy this Alive & Shine class with Aadil Palkhivala focused on building awareness. Our classes are curated to give you a well-rounded experience of building awareness in your practice, even while you are actively working. You will be a guided to ensure you have ample time to cultivate body awareness and safety. With emphasis on alignment, you will foster a deeper understanding of your body and your practice. Feel rejuvenated and refreshed after every class carrying the benefits of your practice beyond the mat into all aspects of your life. Time to feel alive, and shine!

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Working Toward Padmasana | Week 4

Enjoy this Alive & Shine class with Aadil Palkhivala on getting into Padmasana. Our classes are curated to give you a well-rounded experience of Padmasana. You will be a guided to ensure you have ample time to cultivate body awareness and safety. With emphasis on alignment, you will foster a deeper understanding of your body and your practice. Feel rejuvenated and refreshed after every class carrying the benefits of your practice beyond the mat into all aspects of your life. Time to feel alive, and shine!

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Working Toward Padmasana | Week 3

Enjoy this Alive & Shine class with Aadil Palkhivala on preparing for Padmasana. Our classes are curated to give you a well-rounded experience of Padmasana. You will be a guided to ensure you have ample time to cultivate body awareness and safety. With emphasis on alignment, you will foster a deeper understanding of your body and your practice. Feel rejuvenated and refreshed after every class carrying the benefits of your practice beyond the mat into all aspects of your life. Time to feel alive, and shine!

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